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Easy Yoga could be very helpful during pregnancy. It is straightforward and does not require the physical postures of Hatha Yoga. We can visit ladies during pregnancy. Sessions could be short, say 25-30 minutes.
The foetus shares many of the mother's hormones, so the more healthy and happy the mother, the healthier and happier should be the baby. On the other hand, if the mother is ill or stressed there is likely to be an unwelcome influence on the foetus. Post Natal Depression
According to the NHS, this is a common problem. The frequency is over 10% for mothers in the first year .
Another website says: "Postnatal depression (PND) is surprisingly common, affecting at least one in eight new mums." . October 2019 update. The BabyCentre seems to have reduced their estimate of frequency a little, in line with the NHS figure. Various forms of mental illness, including depression, are common in the UK. It is not clear that having a baby, by itself, would make a person liable to be depressed. Many factors are involved. Lifestyle imbalances will often be significant but they will not be the whole story. Even the weather may be a factor. Pregnancy Guide
Presenting extensive information .
Follow up sessions are possible after pregnancy. We cannot promise to keep you free from PND. However, we believe it is unlikely to become a major issue if you learn from us, practise a few times per week and understand some of the mechanisms for improving inner balance and wellbeing.
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